Deuxard use a pseudonym in order to protect the identities of their interview subjects, who put themselves and their families at risk by even agreeing to speak for the book. It collects a series of interviews with Iranian people between 20-30 years of age speaking on love, freedom, and politics (both in Iran and outside of it). The French graphic novel is written by a pair of journalists working under the pseudonym Jane Deuxard, with art by Deloupy. Given that, it seems that the new partnership between DC Comics and comiXology will be a good thing for all involved.The Mary Sue Books Editor Alyssa Shotwell has written about Iranian Love Stories multiple times this year, and for good reason. Amazon was slow to embrace e-sharing programs for the same reasons, but now allows many e-books in Kindle-format to be checked out through libraries. The same arguments have been made for years about public libraries killing book sales, when countless studies have shown that bookstores do better business when they are located close to a library. Thankfully, these fears seem largely unjustified.

With DC Comics now offering so many of their classic works through a subscription service, there are fears that the friendly local comic book shop could go the way of the soda jerk and the five-and-dime. This leaves them with a dwindling base of customers who prefer monthly periodicals and a book in their hand to reading collected editions on a screen.

Small brick-and-mortar comic shops have already suffered heavy losses as more and more casual readers go digital. While this is a feather in the cap of ComiXology, some fear it could be a nail in the coffin for the already troubled print comics market. It is possible this is due to DC Comics long partnership with Barnes and Noble, who were Amazon's chief rival on the e-reader market for many years. Despite this, DC Comics has proven reluctant to take part in any digital subscription services, apart from the archive of classic comics available as part of the DC Universe streaming service. They were also the first major publisher to sign a deal with Hoopla - an application that allows people to check out graphic novels and comic books through their local library. DC Comics has spearheaded several innovations in this area, being the first major publisher to offer digital downloads of new comics on their release date, starting with Justice League #1 in 2011. The publisher will also be making its books available to subscribers of Amazon Prime and Kindle Unlimited.ĭigital comics have become big business in recent years and proved a boon to those readers who don't have a local comic shop close by.

In a move that has rocked the world of comics, DC Comicshas joined the ranks of publishers participating in ComiXology Unlimited - a subscription service, owned by Amazon, which gives its subscribers access to tens of thousands of comic books.